The Wonton Wednesday Podcast
Listen to our latest episode.
With Steve Agostine
Another podcast without a defined purpose just out here in life talking to cool people i know and have met and doing interesting things in the process. Whether it be fitness, food, military and work. We’ll talk about it, or not who knows anymore.

Recent Episodes
Introduction To Wonton Wednesday
Got 5 minutes to spare? Allow me to introduce myself to you and this fun little adventure.
Joe "Brosepi" Browne
For the inaugural episode of this I am joined by my good friend and lifting bro and all around great guy Joe Browne. Joe is a pseudonym for reasons related to his occupation. Armed with an unrelenting attitude towards life and a work ethic to match. We discuss the Military, Fatness to Fitness, Martial Arts, and the worst day of the week has a saving grace. Hint: it’s alliteration. This is definitely the opening salvo of Joe expect to hear more from him. -
Gabe Guevara
Gabe is an all around awesome human and a coworker of mine at an undisclosed environmental company. Naturally jovial by nature, you cant help but catch his love for life. He is many things but first and foremost i think he would describe himself as a family man. We discussed a lot and i cannot do justice to the man as he describes himself eloquently enough.
you can find him on Instagram @djgearz_vipevents -
Tripp Ainsworth
Episode 4 is the lifelong tale and struggle of a man who single handedly brought the cinematic masterpiece trilogy to the masses of waiting and adoring Russians known as Star Wars. This episode is peppered with other quips and giggles but my god will you enjoy this one or we find out you’re not human. You can find him on Instagram @trippainsworth, and also his website www.smokepitfairytales.com.
Lee Bates
Lee Bates started his career in the working world as a V-22 osprey flightline Mechanic. He left his native Texas for the bright lights and debauchery of J-Vegas where we eventually worked in the same shop. After military service and wandering through careers in waste water, fixing harleys, and unwillingly transporting illegal "trespassers" on trains, Lee found himself seduced by a hairdresser while mild manneredly trying to restock a beer fridge after a long night of work. Don't worry this is all a good thing as it led to marriage, kids, and moving to Wisconsin. Using all of his previously gained knowledge of mechanics and water he landed a job in the cheese service industry. along the way we laugh tell stories, talk shop about who's hot and who's not and go all in on the greatness of Seese. In the event that you find yourself Batez-curious you can get ahold of him online through these social platforms: instragram: @kingrukkus facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100075140379729
Brian Gaston
Brian Gaston is a retired Staff Sergeant from the United States Marine Corps. Texas Born and Bred, he initially went in in 1987. Trying to get into the Air Traffic Control program he was guided by his recruiter towards the Marine Corps band thanks in large part to Texas’s robust High School Football and by extension marching band scene of which he was a part of. After his initial contract ended in 1991 he tried his hand at college and normal civilian life. Brian returned to the Marine Corps in 1997, returning to his former post at 8th & I. A series of unfortunate events then landed him at 2nd Marine Division, with a deployment to Iraq with Headquarters Company. After that deployment Brian re-enlisted into the MV-22 Osprey program as an Airframes and Hydraulics Mechanic. After the Schoolhouses and gaining a foothold at VMMT-204 he was sent to the Hazardous Material/Corrosion Control shop to get the criminals and riff raff of the squadron under control, along with some actual administrative and necessary paperwork and organization that the shop needed. A few years of doing his job way to well led to being tasked to Maintenance Control. Maintenance Control Led to standing up 3 squadrons of the MV-22 on the west coast at Miramar Air Station home of the 3rd Marine Aircraft wing where he retired from Marine Corps in 2013. He is Currently working as the Class Desk for the MV-22 Osprey program in charge of all things Osprey related. In his spare time he can’t be found as he’s out enjoying life with his wife and on a motorcycle in beautiful Southern California. you can contact him online through his social media Instagram : @bpginsd facebook : https://www.facebook.com/bari1usmc Also you should buy some bike raffle tickets off him for a sweet Harley and to support a good cause.
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Meet the Host
Steve Agostine is first and foremost a professional idiot. Would you like proof of that? You see that Photo right there in this section? Well fun fact that was a staged photo by his good friend’s wife so that he could lure in an unsuspecting lady to be his girlfriend on a dating app. IT WORKED!!! He’s done some things, none of it at an insanely high level. He enjoys heavy metal and Physical efforts.